
...to the ALS demos website!

Here we have some short examples and various demos.

Example from the ALS docs

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// In this example we'll demonstrate basic workflow with ALS. Example is a bit messy, so buckle up. // We have everything in one file for better understanding. Please, don't do like that, put each class in its own file. require("leaflet-advanced-layer-system"); // Import ALS before doing anything. It should be imported only once. ///////////////////// // Locales // ///////////////////// // The first thing we have to do is to set up locales. // Each locale contains so-called locale properties - strings that will be displayed on the page. // When we'll try to set text to some kind of element, we'll use locale properties to localize our app. // English locale is added by default. Others should be added like this: L.ALS.Locales.AdditionalLocales.Russian(); // Add additional locales BEFORE defining your custom properties! // Locales not included in ALS can be defined in a following manner (we won't add this "locale" to our project though): L.ALS.Locales.AdditionalLocales.MyLocale = function () { L.ALS.Locales["My Locale Name"] = { // This stuff is needed for locale detection language: "Two letters language code", region: "Two letters region code", // Then your locale properties go myLocaleProperty: "Property Value", } } // Define custom locale properties for English L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("English", { polygonSize: "Polygon size:", uselessNumber: "Useless number:", numberPlushPolygonSize: "Number + polygon size =", calledBy: "Called by widget", fillColor: "Fill color:", strokeColor: "Stroke color:", addCircle: "Add Circle", thisIsPolygon: "This is polygon!", rectLayer: "Rectangle Layer", aboutText: "Welcome to ALS demos!", demoLayer: "Demo Layer", settingsTextInput: "Text to display in the menu:" }); // Define custom locale properties for Russian L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("Русский", { polygonSize: "Размер полигона:", uselessNumber: "Бесполезное число:", numberPlushPolygonSize: "Число + размер полигона =", calledBy: "Вызвано виджетом", fillColor: "Цвет заливки:", strokeColor: "Цвет обводки:", addCircle: "Добавить Круг", thisIsPolygon: "Это полигон!", rectLayer: "Слой с прямоугольником", aboutText: "Добро пожаловать на сайт демонстрации ALS!", demoLayer: "Демонстрационный слой", settingsTextInput: "Текст для отображения в меню:" }); ///////////////////// // First layer // ///////////////////// // Create a wizard which you can see in a "New layer" window. // Widgets' values from the wizard will be passed to the layer's constructor. L.ALS.MyLayerWizard = L.ALS.Wizard.extend({ // This text will be displayed in both wizard and settings windows // Here we'll use locale properties for the first time. We can either pass text itself or a locale property. // From now on if you'll see camelCaseStringLikeThis think about locale properties. displayName: "demoLayer", initialize: function () { L.ALS.Wizard.prototype.initialize.call(this); // Call parent constructor // Add a widget which will determine polygon's size to the wizard using addWidget(). // This will be the only one useful widget. The other widgets are for demonstration purposes. this.addWidget( // The first constructor argument is always an ID. You can get any widget whenever you want by using its ID. // The second argument almost always is a label text. We'll using a locale property instead. // The last two arguments are for a callback. We don't pass a function itself, instead, we pass an object // that contains a function and a function name. It's needed for a serialization. new L.ALS.Widgets.Number("polygonSize", "polygonSize", this, "_demoCallback") .setValue(1).setMin(1).setMax(5) // We can create and modify a widget in a chain. Each method (except for getters) returns the widget. // Of course, you can assign it to the variable and use it later in your code. ); // We can also add multiple widgets at once: this.addWidgets( new L.ALS.Widgets.Number("myNumberId", "uselessNumber", this, "_demoCallback").setValue(0), new L.ALS.Widgets.SimpleLabel("myLabelId", "").setTextAlign("center"), ); this.getWidgetById("myNumberId").callCallback(); // Call a callback to update the label }, // Implement number widget's' callback. Callback accepts widget which called this callback. _demoCallback: function (widget) { // Get widgets values let number = this.getWidgetById("myNumberId").getValue(); let polygonSize = this.getWidgetById("polygonSize").getValue(); // Let's display both of these values in a label this.getWidgetById("myLabelId") // L.ALS.locale contains all locale properties. Use it only when you want to display a string once. .setValue(`${L.ALS.locale.numberPlushPolygonSize} ${number + polygonSize}. ${L.ALS.locale.calledBy} ${widget.id}.`) .setStyle((polygonSize > number) ? "success" : "message"); // Set label style depending on our numbers }, }); // Create settings for the layer. It'll contain custom polygon default colors. // Settings for each layer are displayed in the settings window under the item named after the layer (see below). // Settings also will be passed to the layer's constructor. // When settings will change, L.ALS.Layer.applyNewSettings() method will be called. L.ALS.MyLayerSettings = L.ALS.Settings.extend({ initialize: function () { L.ALS.Settings.prototype.initialize.call(this); // Call parent constructor // Add default polygon fill and stroke colors. // Note the second argument, it's default widget value, so user can set it if they've messed up the settings. this.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("fillColor", "fillColor"), "#730000"); // In settings, we can't use addWidgets() because of default values. So just call addWidget() multiple times. this.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("strokeColor", "strokeColor"), "#730060"); // This text will be displayed in the layer menu and updated whenever user updates settings. this.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.Text("text", "settingsTextInput"), "Bla-bla-bla"); } }); // Create layer itself L.ALS.MyLayer = L.ALS.Layer.extend({ defaultName: "Polygon and Circles", // Default layer name // Note: we're overriding init() instead of initialize(). Do NOT override initialize()! init: function (wizardResults, settings) { // If you need to copy settings to layer's properties, use copySettingsToThis(). // It won't change the original settings object, so you can use both. this.copySettingsToThis(settings); // Build a menu for the layer. // It'll contain polygon colors which default values will be from the settings. // We'll assign widgets to the private fields for faster and easier access. this._fillColor = new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("fill", "fillColor", this, "_applyPolygonColors") .setValue(settings.fillColor); this._strokeColor = new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("stroke", "strokeColor", this, "_applyPolygonColors") .setValue(settings.strokeColor); // This button will add circles. this._circleButton = new L.ALS.Widgets.Button("button", "addCircle", this, "_addCircle"); // Remember text input in the settings? This label will display it. this._label = new L.ALS.Widgets.SimpleLabel("label", ""); this.addWidgets(this._fillColor, this._strokeColor, this._circleButton, this._label); // Add the polygon to the layer accounting the size from the wizard. Polygon will be resized by longitude. this._polygon = L.polygon([ [73, -6 * wizardResults.polygonSize], [31, -15 * wizardResults.polygonSize], [4, 42 * wizardResults.polygonSize], [19, 87 * wizardResults.polygonSize], [69, 64 * wizardResults.polygonSize], [62, 34 * wizardResults.polygonSize], ]); this._circles = []; // Contains circles' geometries this._currentCirclePos = 0; // Contains last circle's longitude this.addLayers(this._polygon); // Add polygon to the map. Use only L.ALS.Layer API for managing map objects! this.applyNewSettings(settings); // Apply the settings this._applyPolygonColors(); // Apply polygon colors }, // Override method for applying new settings // You'll not necessary need to apply settings every time they've changed. // You may want to leave this method as it is, if your settings contain only initial parameters. // Apply them at init() instead. applyNewSettings: function (settings) { this._label.setValue(settings.text); }, // Callback for applying polygon colors _applyPolygonColors: function () { this._polygon.setStyle({ fillColor: this._fillColor.getValue(), color: this._strokeColor.getValue(), }); // Since we're gonna implement serialization, we might as well allow users to undo actions by writing them // to the history this.writeToHistory(); }, // This method is called whenever project is being exported. It should return a GeoJSON object. // By default, it combines all layers on the map and returns them. // You need to override this method when you want to export only specific layers. // For our example, we'll return only polygon's geometry. toGeoJSON: function () { return this._polygon.toGeoJSON(); }, // Now we'll look at serialization and deserialization. // It allows users to save and load projects. Also used for undo and redo. // This function only generates random size and calls a "worker" function that will actually add a circle // We split code like that, so we'll be able to easily restore serialized circles. We'll dig into that later. _addCircle: function () { let size = Math.random() * 500000 + 200000; this._circles.push(size); // this._circles will be deserialized automatically this._addCircleWorker(size); this.writeToHistory(); }, _addCircleWorker: function (size) { this._currentCirclePos += size / 100000 + 5; // Increase current position by object size and add some padding this.addLayers( L.circle([0, this._currentCirclePos], { radius: size, fillColor: "blue", color: "blue", })); }, // The default algorithm is pretty smart and able to serialize almost everything except HTMLElements and some // really messed up classes. It'll even skip classes extending L.Layer and L.Map for this reason. // We have to serialize such classes manually. // The key is to represent such objects as simple types and structures such as numbers, arrays or plain objects. // For example, it can be an array of vertices or objects with geometry and custom properties. // Sometimes you don't even have to do anything. In our case, polygon will be reconstructed at the init(), and // we already have circles sizes in array. // But if you have lots of objects which you can't put to ignore list, you might want to override serialization. // Let's demonstrate how to do that despite having perfect setup. // This method is called whenever serialization is required: when saving a project or when undo/redo is called. // seenObjects is passed by ALS, you need to pass it to any serialization method. serialize: function (seenObjects) { // Call parent's method. It'll serialize stuff like layer name, layer widgets and much more. let serialized = this.getObjectToSerializeTo(seenObjects); let serializedCircles = []; // Store circles in here // For each layer this.eachLayer((layer) => { if (layer instanceof L.Polygon) // We don't need polygons here return; // Push a plain object to the array which will contain circle size and position serializedCircles.push({ size: layer.getRadius(), pos: layer.getLatLng(), }); }); // Add the circles to the serialized object. Properties added like that won't be deserialized automatically. serialized.serializedCircles = L.ALS.Serializable.serializeAnyObject(serializedCircles, seenObjects); return serialized; // Return serialized object }, statics: { // Assign wizard and settings to the layer wizard: L.ALS.MyLayerWizard, // You should pass a class here settings: new L.ALS.MyLayerSettings(), // You should pass an instance here // Now let's break down deserialization which should restore all original objects from the serialized object // This method is called whenever deserialization is required: when loading a project or performing undo/redo. // Whoa, lots of arguments! Fortunately, we only have to pass them. deserialize: function (serialized, layerSystem, settings, seenObjects) { // Call parent's method and get the deserialized object. It's an instance of this layer. let deserialized = L.ALS.Layer.deserialize(serialized, layerSystem, settings, seenObjects); // If we didn't go the hard way, we would do this: // for (let size of deserialized._circles) // deserialized._addCircleWorker(size); // Add circle layers. Manually added properties won't be deserialized automatically. // We have to call L.ALS.Serializable.deserialize() on every custom property, even on primitives. let circles = L.ALS.Serializable.deserialize(serialized.serializedCircles, seenObjects); for (let circle of circles) { deserialized.addLayers( L.circle(circle.pos, { fillColor: "blue", color: "blue", radius: circle.size, })); } // Restore last position if (circles.length !== 0) deserialized._currentCirclePos = circles[circles.length - 1].pos.lng; deserialized._applyPolygonColors(); // Widgets' values will be restored, but the callback won't be called return deserialized; // Return deserialized object } }, }); ///////////////////// // Second layer // ///////////////////// // This layer will demonstrate interactivity. It'll have a rectangle that will change its color on click. // It won't have serialization overrides because everything is represented by simple structures. // Even though we don't need wizard or settings for this layer, it's always good to create placeholders. function addRectLabel (widgetable) { widgetable.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.SimpleLabel("id", "rectLayer").setStyle("message")); } L.ALS.RectLayerWizard = L.ALS.Wizard.extend({ displayName: "rectLayer", initialize: function () { L.ALS.Wizard.prototype.initialize.call(this); addRectLabel(this); } }); L.ALS.RectSettings = L.ALS.Settings.extend({ initialize: function () { L.ALS.Settings.prototype.initialize.call(this); addRectLabel(this); } }); L.ALS.RectLayer = L.ALS.Layer.extend({ defaultName: "Interactive Rectangle", init: function () { L.ALS.Layer.prototype.init.call(this); this._colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]; this._currentColor = 0; this._rect = L.rectangle([[0, 0], [70, 50]]); this.addLayers(this._rect); addRectLabel(this); // This method adds an event listener. Event listeners should be managed by L.ALS.Layer API, not by Leaflet! this.addEventListenerTo(this._rect, "click", "_changeColor"); this._changeColor(); // Set initial color }, _changeColor: function () { let color = this._colors[this._currentColor]; this._rect.setStyle({ fillColor: color, color: color, }); this._currentColor = (this._currentColor === this._colors.length - 1) ? 0 : this._currentColor + 1; }, statics: { wizard: L.ALS.RectLayerWizard, settings: new L.ALS.RectSettings(), } }); ///////////////////// // App setup // ///////////////////// L.ALS.System.initializeSystem(); // Initialize system. This method MUST be called after all Leaflet and ALS imports. // Create a Leaflet map let map = L.map("map1", { preferCanvas: true, // Improves performance keyboard: false, // Set this option to false! Otherwise, there'll be problems with L.ALS.LeafletLayers.WidgetLayer! zoomControl: false, // We'll add ALS control instead }).setView([0, 3], 1); // Create ALS instance and provide options which allows for customization let layerSystem = new L.ALS.System(map, { // Add text to the "About" section in the settings. Here we'll also demonstrate how to localize HTML elements. // The first attribute specifies which locale property to use. Second attribute specifies property to localize. // You don't need to specify the second attribute if you want to put text in the element. // But you'll need it if you want to localize, for example, tooltips. aboutHTML: `<h1 data-als-locale-property="aboutText" data-als-locale-property-to-localize="innerHTML"></h1>`, enableHistory: true, position: "topright", }).addTo(map); new L.ALS.ControlZoom({position: "topleft"}).addTo(map); // Add ALS zoom control // Create and add a base layer. You can create and add multiple base layers. let baseLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19}); layerSystem.addBaseLayer(baseLayer, "OSM"); layerSystem.addLayerType(L.ALS.MyLayer); // Register ALS layers layerSystem.addLayerType(L.ALS.RectLayer);

Same example but with toolbar enabled

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L.ALS.System.initializeSystem(); let map = L.map("map2", { preferCanvas: true, keyboard: false, // We won't add zoom control because toolbar already has them. On mobile, zoom control will be added by ALS. // This behavior can be customized by ALS options. zoomControl: false, }).setView([0, 3], 1); let layerSystem = new L.ALS.System(map, { enableToolbar: true, // Setting this option to true will enable the toolbar enableHistory: true, }); // Note: we don't call addTo() when we're using toolbar because we don't need another menu button let baseLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19}); layerSystem.addBaseLayer(baseLayer, "OSM"); layerSystem.addLayerType(L.ALS.MyLayer); layerSystem.addLayerType(L.ALS.RectLayer);

Using ALS as a menu without some of the buttons

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// In this demo, we'll create an ALS instance with only one layer, without settings, undo/redo and projects. // However, we'll still localize it. Every ALS instance shares the same settings which also applies to the locale. // You can open settings through the previous example, change locale and see that this example changes too. // The layer in the demo will have a couple of shapes. Users can change shapes' colors. // Add locale properties L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("English", { "singleLayer": "Single Layer", "polygonColor": "Polygon color:", "triangleColor": "Triangle color:", "circleColor": "Circle color:", "circleRadius": "Circle radius", }); L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("Русский", { "singleLayer": "Одиночный Слой", "polygonColor": "Цвет полигона:", "triangleColor": "Цвет треугольника:", "circleColor": "Цвет круга:", "circleRadius": "Радиус круга:", }); // You don't have to extend default wizard and settings if you don't have settings anywhere. // We have settings, so we gotta override it. L.ALS.SingleLayerWizard = L.ALS.Wizard.extend({ displayName: "singleLayer" }); L.ALS.SingleLayerSettings = L.ALS.Settings.extend({ initialize: function () { this.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.SimpleLabel("id", "singleLayer"), "singleLayer"); } }) L.ALS.SingleLayer = L.ALS.Layer.extend({ init: function () { L.ALS.Layer.prototype.init.call(this); this._polygon = L.polygon([[51, 0], [51, 1], [51.5, 2], [52, 1], [52, 0]]); this._triangle = L.polygon([[51, 2], [51, 3], [52, 3]]); this._circle = L.circle([51.5, 4], 1); this.addLayers(this._polygon, this._triangle, this._circle); this._objectNames = ["polygon", "triangle", "circle"]; // So we can iterate over widgets this.addWidgets( new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("polygonColor", "polygonColor", this, "_applyProperties").setValue("#fff300"), new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("triangleColor", "triangleColor", this, "_applyProperties").setValue("#ff8c00"), new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("circleColor", "circleColor", this, "_applyProperties").setValue("#ff0000"), new L.ALS.Widgets.Number("circleRadius", "circleRadius", this, "_applyProperties") .setValue(50000).setMin(50000).setMax(500000).setStep(10000), ); this._applyProperties(); }, // We'll set all the stuff in one function to simplify things _applyProperties: function () { // Set colors in one loop for (let name of this._objectNames) { let color = this.getWidgetById(name + "Color").getValue(); this["_" + name].setStyle({ color: color, fillColor: color, }); } // Set circle radius this._circle.setRadius(this.getWidgetById("circleRadius").getValue()); }, statics: { wizard: L.ALS.SingleLayerWizard, settings: new L.ALS.Settings(), } }); L.ALS.System.initializeSystem(); let map = L.map("map3", { preferCanvas: true, keyboard: false, zoomControl: false, }).setView([51.5, 2], 7); let layerSystem = new L.ALS.System(map, { // Disable button we don't need: project-related and settings enableProjects: false, enableSettings: false, position: "topright", // Make ALS use only our single layer useOnlyThisLayer: L.ALS.SingleLayer, }).addTo(map); new L.ALS.ControlZoom({position: "topleft"}).addTo(map); let baseLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19}); layerSystem.addBaseLayer(baseLayer, "OSM"); // Add your base layers to the system

Previous demo without any buttons. As simple as ALS could get.

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L.ALS.System.initializeSystem(); let map = L.map("map4", { preferCanvas: true, keyboard: false, zoomControl: false, }).setView([51.5, 2], 7); let layerSystem = new L.ALS.System(map, { enableProjects: false, enableExport: false, enableBaseLayerSwitching: false, enableSettings: false, useOnlyThisLayer: L.ALS.SingleLayer, position: "topright", }).addTo(map); new L.ALS.ControlZoom({position: "topleft"}).addTo(map); let baseLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19}); layerSystem.addBaseLayer(baseLayer, "OSM");

Map widgets

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// In this demo, we'll add widgets to the map and display their values in the layer menu L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("English", { "mapWidgetsLayer": "Map Widgets Layer", "dummyNumber": "Dummy number", "dummyText": "Dummy text", "dummyColor": "Dummy color", "dummyText2": "Dummy text 2", }); L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("Русский", { "mapWidgetsLayer": "Слой с виджетами на карте", "dummyNumber": "Число", "dummyText": "Текст", "dummyColor": "Цвет", "dummyText2": "Текст 2", }); L.ALS.MapWidgetsWizard = L.ALS.Wizard.extend({displayName: "mapWidgetsLayer"}); L.ALS.MapWidgetsSettings = L.ALS.Settings.extend({ initialize: function () { L.ALS.Settings.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.SimpleLabel("id", "mapWidgetsLayer").setStyle("message"), "mapWidgetsLayer"); } }); L.ALS.MapWidgetsLayer = L.ALS.Layer.extend({ init: function () { // Create a widgetable that will be added to the map and contain our widgets. // First argument is a position. // Second argument is an origin, i.e. which point of the widgetable will be at given position. this._mapWidgetable = new L.ALS.LeafletLayers.WidgetLayer([51, 0], "center"); this._mapWidgetable.addWidgets( new L.ALS.Widgets.Number("number", "dummyNumber", this, "_updateMenu").setValue(0), new L.ALS.Widgets.Text("text", "dummyText", this, "_updateMenu").setValue("Write something here..."), new L.ALS.Widgets.Color("color", "dummyColor", this, "_updateMenu").setValue("#0088ff"), ); // If there's only one widget, widgetable will remove any padding. // By the way, all leaflet layers have aliases at L namespace. this._mapWidgetableWithOneWidget = new L.WidgetLayer([51, 4], "topLeft"); this._mapWidgetableWithOneWidget.addWidget( new L.ALS.Widgets.Text("text", "dummyText2", this, "_updateMenu").setValue("Whoa, only one widget!") ); this.addLayers(this._mapWidgetable, this._mapWidgetableWithOneWidget); this.addWidgets( // Value labels are good not only for formatting values, but for text with additional label new L.ALS.Widgets.ValueLabel("number", "dummyNumber"), new L.ALS.Widgets.ValueLabel("text", "dummyText"), new L.ALS.Widgets.ValueLabel("color", "dummyColor"), new L.ALS.Widgets.Divider(), new L.ALS.Widgets.ValueLabel("text2", "dummyText2"), ); this._updateMenu(); }, _updateMenu: function () { let ids = ["number", "text", "color"]; for (let id of ids) this.getWidgetById(id).setValue(this._mapWidgetable.getWidgetById(id).getValue()); this.getWidgetById("text2").setValue(this._mapWidgetableWithOneWidget.getWidgetById("text").getValue()); }, statics: { wizard: L.ALS.MapWidgetsWizard, settings: new L.ALS.MapWidgetsSettings(), } }); L.ALS.System.initializeSystem(); let map = L.map("map5", { preferCanvas: true, keyboard: false, zoomControl: false, }).setView([51, 2], 7); let layerSystem = new L.ALS.System(map, { enableProjects: false, enableExport: false, enableBaseLayerSwitching: false, enableSettings: false, useOnlyThisLayer: L.ALS.MapWidgetsLayer, position: "topright", }).addTo(map); new L.ALS.ControlZoom({position: "topleft"}).addTo(map); let baseLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19}); layerSystem.addBaseLayer(baseLayer, "OSM");

Fast labels

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// In this demo, we'll use cool ALS class which allows us to render lots of labels on the map. // We'll fill the map with labels with their positions. L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("English", { "labelsLayer": "Labels Layer", "drawnLabels": "Number of drawn labels", }); L.ALS.Locales.addLocaleProperties("Русский", { "labelsLayer": "Слой с Надписями", "drawnLabels": "Отрисовано надписей" }); L.ALS.LabelsLayerWizard = L.ALS.Wizard.extend({displayName: "labelsLayer"}); L.ALS.LabelsLayerSettings = L.ALS.Settings.extend({ initialize: function () { L.ALS.Settings.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.addWidget(new L.ALS.Widgets.SimpleLabel("id", "labelsLayer").setStyle("message"), "labelsLayer"); } }); L.ALS.LabelsLayer = L.ALS.Layer.extend({ init: function () { // Random backgrounds for labels this._backgrounds = ["#572626", "#866b41", "#265818", "#3b7f6f", "#346278", "#653584", "#79095d"]; // This will render the labels. The argument determines whether layer should automatically redraw labels. // It's recommended to set it to false, if you'll add and remove labels repeatedly which we'll do. this._labelsLayer = new L.ALS.LeafletLayers.LabelLayer(false); this.addLayers(this._labelsLayer); this._label = new L.ALS.Widgets.ValueLabel("id", "drawnLabels"); this.addWidget(this._label); // Add event listener to the map which will listen to moving and resizing this.addEventListenerTo(this.map, "moveend resize", "_generateLabels"); this._generateLabels(); // Run it for the first time }, _generateLabels: function () { this._labelsLayer.deleteAllLabels(); let bounds = this.map.getBounds(); let toLat = bounds.getSouth(), toLng = bounds.getEast(), step = 5 / this.map.getZoom(), count = 0; for (let lat = bounds.getNorth(); lat >= toLat; lat -= step) { for (let lng = bounds.getWest(); lng <= toLng; lng += step) { // Add a label to the labels layer. // First argument is an ID which we can skip, and layer will generate it for us. // Second argument is label position. // Third argument is label text. // Fourth argument is display options. this._labelsLayer.addLabel("", [lat, lng], lat.toFixed(3) + "\n" + lng.toFixed(3), { origin: "center", textAlign: "center", fontColor: "white", backgroundColor: this._backgrounds[Math.floor(Math.random() * this._backgrounds.length)], }); count++; } } this._labelsLayer.redraw(); // Redraw the labels. You don't need to call it, if you're using automatic redraw. this._label.setValue(count); }, statics: { wizard: L.ALS.LabelsLayerWizard, settings: new L.ALS.LabelsLayerSettings(), } }); L.ALS.System.initializeSystem(); let map = L.map("map6", { preferCanvas: true, keyboard: false, zoomControl: false, }).setView([51, 2], 7); let layerSystem = new L.ALS.System(map, { enableProjects: false, enableExport: false, enableBaseLayerSwitching: false, enableSettings: false, useOnlyThisLayer: L.ALS.LabelsLayer, position: "topright", }).addTo(map); new L.ALS.ControlZoom({position: "topleft"}).addTo(map); let baseLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 1}); layerSystem.addBaseLayer(baseLayer, "OSM");

ALS beyond ALS

You can use ALS CSS classes such as .als-dark or .ie-lte-9 to modify app look and behavior.

You can also use widgets and widgetables anywhere in your page! Just put container property wherever you want!

This site uses these techniques to use custom styles for dark theme, provide better desktop layout and create spoilers with the code.